Michelle Bain 公司董事
资质: BSurv (Dist), MS+SNZ, MCSNZ Registered Professional Surveyor, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
专业领域: 重点项目团队指挥,对复杂类项目的专家级建议, 商业行政管理, 商业市场营销等
工作地点: 奥雷瓦办公室
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 027 459 1800
- E: [email protected]
Mark Parker 公司董事
资质: BSurv, MS+SNZ, MCSNZ Registered Professional Surveyor, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
专业领域: 城市与乡村用地土地分割,部分共有产权,项目管理等
工作地点: 亨德森办公室
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 276 4833
- E: [email protected]
Peter Reaburn 公司董事
资质: BRP (Hons), MNZPI, MRMLA
专业领域: 规划变更复核, 城市用地管理,自然环境相关问题,提供专家级证据,担任听政委员会委员与主席等
工作地点: 亨德森办公室
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 447 9248
- E: [email protected]
Simon Reiher 公司董事
资质: Chartered Member EngNZ, MS+SNZ, Registered Professional Surveyor, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor.
专业领域: 项目指挥,复杂项目管理,专家级土地测绘,商业,工程,市场建议
工作地点: 旺格雷办公室
- P: 09 438 1684
- M: 027 210 2797
- E: [email protected]
Chris Solleder 公司董事
资质: NZCE, Chartered Professional Engineer.
专业领域: 创新的工程解决方案,工程咨询,开发和设计以及项目管理。
工作地点: 亨德森与曼努考办公室
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 530 4052
- E: [email protected]
John Wisker 公司董事
资质: BSurv., NZCLS, MS+SNZ, MCSNZ Registered Professional Surveyor, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor.
专业领域: 大型项目指挥,商务管理,专家级土地测绘,激流岛与其他海湾岛屿开发建议
工作地点: 亨德森办公室
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 479 7251
- E: [email protected]
Amanda Crawford Associate - Survey Manager
资质: NZCLS, BSurv, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor, RPSurv, MS+SNZ
专业领域: Cadastral Surveying, Topographical and as-built surveys, Project Management
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 021 065 5147
- E: [email protected]
Myles Goodwin 公司董事
资质: BSc. MSc (Hons.).
专业领域: 乡村土地分割,湿地与植被保护,环境规划
工作地点: 奥雷瓦办公室
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 027 493 3022
- E: [email protected]
Bradley Mowat Associate - Survey Manager
资质: BSurv, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor, MS+SNZ
专业领域: Cadastral Surveying, GNSS/GPS surveys, Client, council, contractor and consultant liaison
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 027 277 3724
- E: [email protected]
Jarred Lloyd Associate - Land Development Manager
资质: National Diploma in Surveying, Bachelor of Surveying, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
专业领域: Cadastral Surveying, Civil Engineering , Client, council, contractor and consultant liaison. Land Development process management.
工作地点: Whangarei
- P: 09 438 1684
- M: 021 026 39897
- E: [email protected]
Paul Kleynhans Associate - Engineering Manager
资质: NZCE, BE(Env), Chartered Professional Engineer, Member of Engineering New Zealand (CMEngNZ)
专业领域: Project Management, Engineering Advice, Development Design, Stormwater Systems
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 021 826 432
- E: [email protected]
Rowan Murray Associate - Architecture Principal
资质: BArch (Hons)
专业领域: Project Initiation and Concept Design, Feasibility Input & Consultancy Engagement, Tendering & Procurement, Project Management.
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 021 10 29 777
- E: [email protected]
Taulata Gjerqeku Senior Architect
资质: MArch (Prof Hons) University of Auckland, BAS
专业领域: Concept, Developed and Detailed Design. Pre-application meetings with Council. Resource & Building Consent Documentation and Specification. Consultant Engagement and Site Co-ordination.
工作地点: Manukau
- P: 09 263 9020
- M: 021 046 1289
- E: [email protected]
Kaaren Joubert Planning Manager
资质: BT&RP (Hons) Pretoria University, Associate Member of New Zealand Planning Institute (AMNZPI)
专业领域: Preparing applications and managing master planning consenting processes for a range of land development and residential development projects.
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 021 108 9447
- E: [email protected]
Kylie Brayshaw Principal Planner
资质: B.Plan (Hons) Auckland University, Member New Zealand Planning Institute (MNZPI)
专业领域: Feasibility, Strategic Planning and Project Management, Resource Consent, Assessment of Environmental Effects and Planning Evidence, Scheme Plan and Development Plan preparation, Council Consultancy Role (consent processing)
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 098370486
- M: 0211081928
- E: [email protected]
Debbie Tilley Principal Planner
资质: Master of Science (Hons), Master of Legal Studies (Hons)
专业领域: Preparation of detailed Resource Consents, Assessment of Environmental Effects and Planning Evidence, Scheme Plan and Development preparation, Feasibility, Due Diligence and Strategic Planning
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 027 257 6006
- E: [email protected]
Trina Beard Land Development Manager
资质: Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Chartered Member of Landscape Institute (CMLI), UDINZ, Certified Project and Programme Management (CPPM)
专业领域: Land Development, Project Management, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 022 528 0721
- E: [email protected]
Jennifer Myers Project Manager
资质: MArch (Sustainability), BArch, University of Auckland
专业领域: Project Management, Design Management, Proven ability to form and lead project specific teams, including ECI. Client liason, Working with multiple stakeholders on complex multistage projects, Master Planning and Feasibility Studies.
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 021 943 780
- E: [email protected]
Scott Lamason Engineering Manager
资质: Diploma Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Applied Diploma of Civil Engineering, Certified Engineering technician -Engineering New Zealand (CertEtn).
专业领域: Land Development Strategic Advice, Development Planning, Consenting Strategy, Civil Engineering, Project Management
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 022 137 5074
- E: [email protected]
David Hope Senior Civil Engineer
资质: BE (Environmental) First Class Honours, Auckland 2002
专业领域: Hydrology, Hydraulics, Water quality, Wastewater treatment, Environmental design and Project Management.
工作地点: Manukau
- P: 09 263 9020
- M: 021 362 598
- E: [email protected]
Robin Thuemler Senior Civil Engineer
资质: Diploma Civil Engineering (Dipl.Ing.FH, Germany), Bachelor Structural Engineering (BSc, Sweden), Master Structural Engineering (MSc, Sweden).
专业领域: Development Design, Civil Engineering, Engineering Advice, Client, Council, Contractor and Consultant liaison, Project Management
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 021 880 431
- E: [email protected]
Max Schikker Lead Survey Specialist (UAV & Scanning)
资质: Bachelor of Surveying, Member Survey and Spatial New Zealand (S+SNZ).
专业领域: Topographic, 3D laser scanning, cadastral and UAV surveying, including Advanced Remote Pilot Certification. Ability to lead and manage projects.
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 324 5268
- E: [email protected]
Michael Guthrie Land Contamination Lead
资质: Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science), Certified Environmental Practitioner (CEnvP), Member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) & Member of the Australasian Land & Groundwater Association (ALGA)
专业领域: Preliminary and Detailed Site Investigation, Remedial Action Plans, Remedial Oversight, Site Validation, and consent monitoring.
工作地点: Henderson
- P: 09 837 0486
- M: 027 946 9928
- E: [email protected]
Joshua Wium Senior Ecologist
资质: BSc. PGDipSci. MSc (Distinction).
专业领域: Wetland and stream identification and delineation, Ecological Impact Assessment, Remediation Action Plans, Significant Ecological Area Assessments, Wetland and bush restoration.
工作地点: Orewa
- P: 09 427 0072
- M: 027 880 5875
- E: [email protected]