Written by Kaaren Joubert | Planning Manager | Cato Bolam Consultants
Auckland Council has now adopted the Future Development Strategy (FDS), which replaces the previous Auckland Plan 2050 Development Strategy 2018 and the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy 2017 (FULSS).
The FDS confirms Council’s approach to accommodate most growth over the next 30 years within existing urban areas.
The FDS reassessed accommodating Auckland’s growth based on the criteria listed below, the outcome of which impacts on the sequencing, timing and triggers for rezoning Future Urban Zoned (FUZ):
- exposure to natural hazards
- modelled contributions to increased CO2 emissions/vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT)
- infrastructure timing and delays
The timing of when many FUZ areas will be able to enable growth has changed due to updated information on the above criteria.
As a result, certain areas have been proposed for partial or entire removal where assessment against criteria showed significant impact and there was a high level of confidence in the data. The Council will develop more detailed evidence to input into plan changes for these areas to be rezoned to an appropriate non-urban and non-future urban zone. The boundaries of the areas affected are currently indicative and will be further refined through a plan change process. Kumeū-Huapai-Riverhead (in part), Ōpaheke-Drury, Takaanini, Hatfields Beach 2 are FUZ areas proposed for removal, either partially or entirely.
Warkworth North-East and Warkworth South, Dairy Flat, Wainui East, Upper Ōrewa, Kumeū-Huapai (whole FUZ area), Riverhead, Albany Village 2, Oruarangi 2 are areas that have been proposed for further investigation where assessment against criteria showed moderate impact and there was less confidence in data. Further analysis is needed to better understand the appropriateness of these areas for future growth and what the most suitable management response could be.
The Council has identified actions to support the implementation of the FDS, the main ones of which are Plan Changes to update the Auckland Unitary Plan, investment prioritisation by e.g. incorporating spatial priorities into 2024-2034 Long-term Plan growth investments and further investigations on e.g. hazard types.

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