Looking Ahead in the Heartland: Survey & Spatial New Zealand Annual Conference 2024

Our Cato Bolam Surveying team recently attended the “Looking Ahead in the Heartland” Survey and Spatial New Zealand Annual Conference at the beautiful Napier War Memorial Centre. We talked to the team about their highlights and insights from the event.
“The industry has an exciting future!”

The event was not just a professional gathering but a celebration of our shared commitment to the surveying and spatial sectors, a testament to the impact of our work throughout New Zealand, and a reaffirmation of our strong community ties.

Amanda Crawford, Survey Manager at Cato Bolam, shares, “It was an excellent event. The conference was filled with engaging presentations and networking opportunities, highlighting the diversity and significance of the surveying and spatial profession.”

Rebecca Sinclair, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor at Cato Bolam, expressed how the conference was a chance to discover new ideas and reconnect with industry leaders and peers: “The conference provided a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the latest industry developments, engage with leaders in the surveying and spatial field, and reconnect with former classmates. It was particularly enlightening to explore forward-thinking strategies that harness emerging technologies to redefine our approaches to work. The industry has an exciting future!”

For Dillon Hunt, Surveyor at Cato Bolam, it offered a fresh perspective on the sector. He reflected, “This conference was my first, and it provided a great opportunity to step away from daily surveying tasks and learn about the broader challenges facing our sector and the innovation being used to improve how we do things.”

S SNZConference Cato Bolam Richard 2 scaled - Looking Ahead in the Heartland: Survey & Spatial New Zealand Annual Conference 2024
Former Director, Richard Hemi, receives the prestigious McRae Supreme Award.
“Our community is thriving.”

Brad Mowat, Survey Manager at Cato Bolam, shares how the event was an excellent opportunity to get up to speed on new technology: “Attending this conference is always a highlight for me, as it’s a great way to stay at the forefront of industry technology. Bruce Robinson from Global Survey Ltd and Paul Denys from Otago University stood out this year, offering an inspiring deep dive into the exciting advancements in GNSS that are reshaping our field while offering practical insights into the variables that affect the measurement accuracies.”

Another of the conference’s highlights was the Survey and Spatial New Zealand Excellence Awards Gala. This event celebrated both emerging talent and long-standing contributors to our profession. We were particularly proud to witness our former Director, Richard Hemi, receive the prestigious McRae Supreme Award. Richard, who transitioned to academia as a lecturer at the Otago School of Surveying, has significantly contributed to the industry and S+SNZ through his many volunteer roles. Congratulations, Richard!

Michelle Bain, Director at Cato Bolam and S+SNZ board member, remarked on the organisation’s growth and success: “With a membership of 1,500 and over 300 delegates attending this year’s conference, it’s clear that our community is thriving. The stunning views of the Napier foreshore added to the event’s success, making it a memorable experience for all attendees.”

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From left to right: Dillon Hunt, Michelle Bain, Rebecca St
Additional highlights that stood out included:

The conference featured several notable speakers, including Jason Gunn, who delivered an inspiring presentation on the importance of genuine communication. His advice to “communicate from the HEART”—Heart, Empathy, Authenticity, Reassurance, and Tell Stories—resonated deeply with the audience, emphasising the critical role of effective communication in our profession.

Another key presentation came from Anselm Haansen, Surveyor-General/Kairiuri Matua at Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). He provided an update on the ongoing modernisation of Landonline, including the mandatory adoption of the NZ Vertical Datum 2016 for cadastral surveying. Anselm shared exciting progress on the modernisation roadmap, with plans to complete the transition from legacy platforms by March 2025, promising better service and efficiency for surveyors and legal professionals.

We congratulate the National Office for delivering yet another stellar S+SNZ Annual Conference. The event was a reminder of the dynamic and thriving community we are proud to be a part of, and we look forward to continued collaboration and innovation in the years ahead.

Learn more about this conference.

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