Future Development Strategy Submission (FDS) – An imbalance between brownfield and greenfield development for Auckland
August 2023
The recent release of a new Draft Future Development Strategy (FDS) for Auckland has drawn much interest, and concern. Our submission sheds light on critical concerns surrounding Auckland’s development trajectory and emphasised the need for a balanced and well-considered approach to ensure a sustainable and thriving urban landscape.
Environmental Restoration – Where to for Auckland Region?
July 2023
We discuss how Auckland Council could incentivise the creation of ecological corridors across the region.
Auckland Council Draft Future Development Strategy – Major Changes Proposed
June 2023
Auckland Council Future Development Strategy. The FDS introduces major changes which will have a significant impact on landowners. We discuss the implications for your property.
MDRS – New Housing Rules – Auckland Intensifies
June 2023
Auckland Council has introduced a plan change (Plan Change 78) that incorporates the new Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS). Over much of Auckland’s residential urban area, and subject to meeting the new standards, the new housing rules now enable 3 storeys and 3 dwellings per site as of right.
Notices of Requirements and Designations – Strategic Transport Routes Identified
May 2023
Auckland Council has recently given notice of several Notice of Requirements (NoRs) to protect land for future implementation of strategic transport corridors/infrastructure. These NoRs relate to the Supporting Growth Alliance which is a collaboration between AT and NZTA to plan transport investment in Auckland’s Future Urban Zone (“FUZ”) areas over the next 10 to 30 years. We discuss what you need to know as an affected property owner.
Rural Resilience through Ecological Enhancement
May 2023
The flooding in Auckland over the last few months has brought into focus the reduced level of ecosystem services that are in place in rural Auckland. We discuss the opportunities for natural wetlands to act as significant flood storage reservoirs, holding water back during large flood events and then releasing water after flood peaks have passed.
Cato Bolam’s new Planning Manager – Kaaren Joubert
April 2023
We at Cato Bolam are delighted to announce the appointment of Cato Bolam’s new Planning Manager, Kaaren Joubert.
The Latest Survey Sector Updates from the Consulting Surveyors NZ Workshop
April 2023
Amanda Crawford, Cato Bolam Associate and Survey Manager recently attended the Consulting Surveyors New Zealand (CSNZ) 2023 Workshop in Invercargill. This three-day workshop is a highlight on the calendar for members of CSNZ, a division of Survey and Spatial NZ for business owners and leaders.
Stream Offset Mitigation – Opportunity for Rural Stream Restoration at Urban Developers Cost
March 2023
When undertaking urban subdivisions sometimes streams need to be modified to facilitate housing. Our team is available to explore rural stream restoration and protection to mitigate stream loss from urban development.
Rural Subdivision – National Environmental Standards and National Policy Statements
March 2023
National Environmental Standards and Policy Statements are part of the ever-changing face of rural land development and subdivision, and another in the list of items that need to be considered when subdividing land.