New Housing Supply Bill – Amendment to the RMA – Preliminary Information and Observations
November 2021
Prepared by Peter Reaburn, Director of Planning. The purpose of these notes is to provide preliminary information, advice and observations on the new Bill. While the notes are focussed on Auckland, the new Bill applies to all of New Zealand’s major (“Tier 1”) cities.
A Close Up Look at Countryside Living Subdivision
November 2021
The entire Countryside Living zone is intended for rural residential living on the outskirts of Auckland, but it is the precinct overlays that determine what can be done in the way of subdivision. Here we take a close up look at the specifics of zones, the precinct overlays and what it all means in the south and north areas of the Auckland region.
Whangarei Urban Plan Changes Now Operative – New Opportunities
September 2021
Whangarei’s new urban plan has become operative. This brings a whole new range of development opportunities for urban areas, including unit titles, town houses and apartments. Simon Reiher, Director of our Whangarei office, outlines what is achievable within the urban areas following these changes.
RMA Reform – It’s Still a “Watch this Space”
August 2021
The initial public consultation round for the proposed Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA) is now underway, with public submissions on a recently released Draft to be considered by a Select Committee later this year. Cato Bolam’s Planning Director Peter Reaburn, discusses what we know so far and the questions yet to be answered.
Wetlands – Environment and Landowner Advantages
June 2021
With the Unitary Plan now finalised, an existing good quality wetland, either identified as Significant Ecological Area (SEA) on the planning maps, or meeting the SEA quality standards, can generate an ability to subdivide. The final rules, also allow for the restoration of degraded wetlands with the aim of the wetland being designated to be SEA.
ALGA Land and Groundwater Conference 2021
June 2021
The 2021 Land and Groundwater conference was attended by Cato Bolam’s Greg Beck, Land Contamination Principal. Greg reports back on the conference and a number of new developments within the contaminated land industry.
Rotary Young Person Leadership Awards 2021
June 2021
Megan Crossen shares her experience as a participant in 2021 Rotary Young-Person Leadership Awards programme.
Water New Zealand’s Stormwater 2021 Conference
May 2021
Stormwater 2021, run by Water New Zealand’s Stormwater Group, was held in Tauranga in May 2021 and attended by the Cato Bolam team. We welcome you to learn more about the conference and changes in the stormwater sector.
Auckland’s Rural Subdivision Rules Now Operative
April 2021
The Environment Court decision on Auckland’s Rural Subdivision Rules preserve subdivision rights that encourage environmental protection and restoration in rural zones. This is a win for the environment, and landowners, at a time when the importance of restoring and protecting the environment is receiving ever more prominence.
Promotions within the Cato Bolam team
March 2021
At Cato Bolam we are pleased to announce a number of internal promotions within our team.
Please join us in congratulating Amanda Crawford – Survey Manager, Paul Kleynhans – Engineering Manager and Kerryn McPherson – Engineering Manager.