Update from our Planning Team: Private Plan Change Accepted for Silverdale West

Written by Kaaren Joubert | Planning Manager | Cato Bolam Consultants

Silverdale West is to be rezoned

Auckland Council has officially accepted the private plan change application for Silverdale West, which was jointly submitted by Fletcher Development Limited and Fulton Hogan Land Development.

This application seeks to rezone land at Silverdale West from Future Urban to Light Industry, marking a pivotal step towards enhancing the area’s industrial capabilities.

Next steps

Cato Bolam is committed to navigating these processes and working closely with stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes for Silverdale West’s growth and development. Here is an overview of what to expect next:

  • Submissions closed on 9 August 2024.
  • The Council will publish a Summary of the decisions (submissions) requested and announce the closing date for making further submissions (which can only be done by the persons/entities that made submissions).
  • The Council will then publish a Summary of further submissions.
  • The Hearing Panel will then announce the order of the hearing proceedings, hearing dates and cut-off times for submitting evidence.
  • The Hearings Panel will make a recommendation for Council’s consideration and approval.
  • Once the decision is published, any party has 15 working days to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court.
  • Once all appeals have been resolved, the final plan change provisions will be published by the Council and will become operative.
Silverdale west zone 04 July 24 - Update from our Planning Team: Private Plan Change Accepted for Silverdale West
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