Flood Hazard Review
Given recent extreme storm events, having as much knowledge as possible of potential flood risks on a property can be critical to making informed property related decisions.
Our Flood Hazard Review service provides an affordable and easy-to-understand report to inform a purchaser, existing landowner or tenant of the potential flood risk on a site.
Our in-house professional engineers and architects, experienced in flood assessment and mitigation design, work together to assess the potential flood risk on your residential site by interpreting information available on the Auckland Council’s website. Our flood risk assessment report is available in the Auckland region.
What is included in your Flood Hazard Review Report?
Our Flood Hazard Review report includes:
- Professional desktop assessment of the site’s potential flooding risks, provided in an easy-to-understand format from currently available Council flood data.
- Preliminary comment on potential options to mitigate flood risk.
- Useful information on flood risks and the different types of flood hazards presented on Council’s flood hazard mapping. This is important as not all information accurately represents the expected flood extent.
- The assessment uses Council’s flood mapping which indicates the predicted 1-in-100 year storm which is generally the storm event for when flood hazards are considered.
We note that this assessment is a desktop study only and is not intended to be suitable for resource consent or building consent applications. A report suitable for consent application requires site specific modelling.
The standard cost of our report is $549 + GST, with an anticipated turnaround of 3-5 business days.
To apply for a Flood Hazard Review of your residential property, please complete the contact form below, select Flood Hazard Review from the Service Type menu, and we will be in touch.