A scheme plan of subdivision needs to be prepared and this will enable a costing to be carried out. As normal urban services such as water and drainage are not normally necessary on a rural subdivision the physical costs are often just driveway formation and power and telecom connections. You will also need to provide mitigation for stormwater runoff whcih may need some vegetation planting. Other requirements specific top the site can be worked out easrly in the process – we can give you guidance on this. Some forms of rural subdivision, such as bonus lost through transferring titles, have greater costs. Of course for all subdivision there is the need for a subdivision consent from the Council and the costs of the actual survey and arranging for titles.
What are the subdivision costs?
Who has experience in rural subdivisions?
We think we are the best consultant you can get for rural subdivision and we undertake a lot of such work with our rural experts. We advise you on whether your rural site can be subdivided, and guide you through the process from there.
Can I subdivide my rural property?
Give us a call and we can let you know almost straight away.
Who can subdivide my rural property?
Many rural subdivisions are undertaken by property owners themselves engaging us to process the subdivision for them. Unlike an urban subdivision where costs can be quite high, rural subdivision can be undertaken in a relatively simple and cost-effective way. We are experts in rural subdivision and can give valuable guidance as to the possibilities, process and costs.
Should I sudivide or build on my residential site?
In most parts of Auckland you will achieve a much higher yield by designing and building, say new terraced housing units, rather than subdividing. This is because there are minimum site sizes for subdivision, but not for building. Once new residential units are in place they can be subdivided off to a much lesser site size than is required for vacant lot subdivision. This doesn’t mean that subdivision isn’t a good option for you, as it may best meet your circumstances. We can assist in advising on what options may be available for both subdivision and residential building developments, together with approximate development costs for each option.
How long will the subdivision take?
Infill subdivision can be completed within a year from start to finish. The extent to whether this can be a shorter or longer time will depend primarily on how much construction is required – the more the need for construction of service connections, driveway, etc, the more design, consentging and construction time that will be required. We can normally provide a reasonable time (and cost) estimate at the stage of our initial advice.
Can I subdivide my property?
Our subdivision experts can advise you on the best subdivision options for your property. Our initial consultation providing this advice is free.
What is the cost to subdivide?
Costs of development will depend on the location of the site and its infrastructure requirements. The costs can vary considerably. We can advise you at an intial stage of consulaltion what costs are likley to be involved in your project, after we investigate the site characteristics, availablility of services etc.
Who can develop my land?
An infill subdivision will generally require at least the services of a land surveyor, a planner and an engineer. Other disciplines, such as geotechnical engineering and traffic engineering can be required for larger projects.
How can I maximise my property’s potential?
Our subdivision experts can advise you on the best subdivision options for your property. Our initial consultation providing this advice is free.