Leaders of Industry

Importance of Development Feasibility and Concept Option Analysis

Property Development – The Importance of Initial Development Feasibility and Concept Option Analysis

October 2022

At Cato Bolam we work with a large range of clients, from first time developers and investors through to large scale development experts.  Whenever we are contacted about a new project one of the first questions that is common across the spectrum, is “what can I do with the site?”  For less experienced developers we are also explaining the property development process and offering guidance on where to start.

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Housing Supply Medium Density Residential Standards

Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill Passed

December 2021
The New Housing Supply Bill has passed its third reading and will shortly become law. This bill amends the Resource Management Act 1991 with the aim of rapidly accelerate the supply of housing to address some of the issues with housing choice and affordability that New Zealand currently faces in its largest cities.  The new Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) will be introduced by councils, including Auckland Council, and have varying effect from August 2022.
The MDRS have been amended through the submissions and Select Committee process.  Cato Bolam Planning Director, Peter Reaburn summaries the changes and the new density standards in this hot off the press article.

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Whangarei Urban Plan Changes Now Operative - new opportunities

Whangarei Urban Plan Changes Now Operative – New Opportunities

September 2021

Whangarei’s new urban plan has become operative. This brings a whole new range of development opportunities for urban areas, including unit titles, town houses and apartments.  Simon Reiher, Director of our Whangarei office, outlines what is achievable within the urban areas following these changes.

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RMA Reform Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA)

RMA Reform – It’s Still a “Watch this Space”

August 2021

The initial public consultation round for the proposed Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA) is now underway, with public submissions on a recently released Draft to be considered by a Select Committee later this year. Cato Bolam’s Planning Director Peter Reaburn, discusses what we know so far and the questions yet to be answered.

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AGLA Land and Groundwater Conference 2021

ALGA Land and Groundwater Conference 2021

June 2021

The 2021 Land and Groundwater conference was attended by Cato Bolam’s Greg Beck, Land Contamination Principal. Greg reports back on the conference and a number of new developments within the contaminated land industry.

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