Countryside Living Development over multiple zones
Vinegar Hill, Whangarei
Riversong is a 60 lot rural residential project in Whangarei with complex civil engineering solutions.
Project Expertise
Planning, Engineering, Surveying, Ecology, Project Management and Environmental
Project Completion
First Stage Complete late 2022, Stages 2-4 in progress
Project Value
The Details
This 60 lot rural residential subdivision is based in the outskirts of Whangarei with an idyllic wetland and river views over rolling north facing slopes. The features that create this idyllic view also create significant constraints to development of land, such as high water tables, flood plains, wetland restrictions and stormwater discharge restrictions. These coupled with the council requirements for working within this split zoning have made some complex constraints to land development.
Cato Bolam have worked to develop the full feasibility and economics for this development based on the complex constrains. Based on the feasibility we assisted in a Joint Venture (JV) agreement to enable the economic purchase the full site and development of the first stage of this development consisting of 20 lots. The process of development included gaining Resource Consent, Engineering Design and Survey Plans and issue of new titles.
The physical site soil constraints required use of significant subsoil drainage and creating an innovative drainage discharge solution for the WDC public reticulation. The economics of constructing a flexible seal pavement for the roads in this area were considered and based on this Cato Bolam engineers successfully argued for the use of the first concrete road in the Whangarei District.
This site had been considered for development by other developers through standard survey or planning companies with no success, however Cato Bolam were able to look at this from a land development prospective and secure a profitable solution for all parties.
“Without Cato Bolam’s guidance in setting up the land deal introducing the land owner and implementing the development this project simply would not have got off the ground”. – Wayne Hill