By Myles Goodwin – Rural Subdivision Expert | Planning & Environmental Director Cato Bolam
The entire Countryside Living zone is intended for rural residential living on the outskirts of Auckland, but it is the precinct overlays that determine what can be done in the way of subdivision. Here we take a close up look at the specifics of zones, the precinct overlays and what it all means in the south and north areas of the Auckland region.
Areas in South Auckland Countryside Living zone covered by precincts are Whitford, Clevedon and Runciman. Areas with no precinct overlays include Papakura where subdivision to a 1ha minimum area is possible, Whitford, where a 4ha minimum average is needed, and an area in Whitford on Caldwells Road where the minimum average reduces to 2ha.
The Whitford A & B Sub-Precincts are the largest, covering approximately 3,735ha. The Whitford Sub-Precinct A is in the south and Sub-Precinct B in the north with the division reflecting land use capability and contour.
Whitford Sub-Precinct A land is generally rolling to steeper hill country with 10–20-degree slopes. Subdivision is allowed at a rate of one new title per 3.5ha of parent site area. Bush present on a title must be covenanted as part of an application. For each additional title, at least 1ha area of bush is required. If bush is not present, then a 1ha area will need to be planted in indigenous vegetation for each additional title. On larger sites, additional titles can be obtained from planting larger areas of bush. There are also requirements to establish planting on steeper slopes.
Whitford Sub-Precinct B has a coastal edge and higher landscape value. Subdivision is more constrained at a rate of one new title for each 5ha of parent site area. In this area 0.5 ha of bush or planting is needed for each additional title. The lower area of bush protection needed reflects the fact that lots are larger with fewer houses in the landscape. As for the A area, additional subdivision rights can be obtained from additional bush planting.
In Clevedon Sub-Precinct C one new lot per 4ha of parent site size is permitted in most areas, but in other areas per the precinct plan, one lot per 2ha of parent site area is allowed. Revegetation of identified areas must occur as part of any subdivision proposal. New titles need to be between 0.25 and 0.6ha, with a larger left-over title. Other rules and restrictions related to specific properties in the zone exist. There are some areas that provide for joint applications by neighbouring properties where the overall land area is treated as a single title for determining development ability.
The Runciman Sub-Precinct A is in the north and south and Sub-Precinct B is central to the area. An area with no precinct overlay exists in the very north. Sub-Precinct A provides for one new title per 2.5ha of parent site area with building sites clustered. This is the only area in South Auckland that allows the use of transferable titles. A transferable title allows for an increase in yield to one per 2ha of parent site area. If there is an 8ha site, then using one transferable title will allow subdivision into four titles, at an average area of over 2ha. Therefore, the transferable title allows for the creation one additional site. At 16ha, two transferable titles could be used.
Existing sites over 20ha in Runciman Sub-Precinct A can subdivide to one new site for every 1.5ha of existing site area, so a substantial increase in density. The clustering rules mean house sites on these larger sites can be kept further from site boundaries allowing more layout flexibility.
In Runciman B Sub-Precinct, subdivision allows for one new title per 2.5ha of parent site area, so a 5ha lot is needed as a start point. This is the only rule in this sub-precinct.
In the North Auckland area, the situation is simpler as there are only two precinct overlays, these being the Birdwood and Swanson North precincts. In the Birdwood Precinct, the number of titles available on each property is predetermined and is outlined on the plan in the precinct rules. The plan also shows stream side areas to be replanted and other areas of vegetation to be protected or established. For Swanson North, the rules allow for a minimum area for a new title of 4ha, unless the subdivision plan in the precinct rules allows for smaller. There are a number of site-specific rules in this precinct, so every property will need a close look. Note that there are also lifestyle subdivision possibilities available in the Waitakere Foothills Zone in West Auckland (including at Swanson and Oratia). They are not specifically covered here, but details can be provided on request.
Generally, the northern Countryside Living areas are covered by a specific overlay; the South Rodney overlay, the Kumeu/Huapai/Matakana/Albany overlay, the Wellsford/Kaukapakapa/Helensville overlay, the Algies Bay overlay, the Warkorth overlay, the Puhoi/Parakai or Waimauku overlay. These allow either subdivision to a 2ha minimum size, or a 1ha size if transferable titles are used. The exceptions to this are areas in Swanson and Okura East that require a minimum site size of 4ha and Point Wells where an average site size of 0.75ha is possible.

There is a lot of variation in what is possible in the Countryside Living zones. While all the above areas are the one zone the precincts and overlays substantially change what is possible, and what work is needed for subdivision. Therefore, every site needs looking at and being checked against the various rules to see what is possible.
Cato Bolam can assist in all aspects of Countryside Living subdivision.
For inquiries in the South Auckland region, contact Leigh Shaw, [email protected]
For inquiries in the North Auckland region, contact Myles Goodwin, [email protected]
We welcome you to read our other recent Rural Subdivision articles at the links below,