Country Club Huapai
Premier Retirement Lifestyle Village
Huapai, Auckland
Country Club Huapai is a premier retirement lifestyle development in Huapai. It offers a range of superior homes, apartments, and lifestyle facilities designed to complement the Huapai country setting. It is located on the original Nobilo Estate winery, close to the quaint Huapai Village and approximately 35 minutes North West of Auckland’s CBD.
Project Expertise
Civil Engineering, Surveying, Project Management
Project Completion
In progress
The Details
Country Club Huapai is a 325-unit retirement village, accommodating one-two- and three-bedroom villas and apartments, amenity buildings and luxury facilities, offering a new standard in retirement living.
The site is located in the Huapai Triangle Special Housing Area and was originally earmarked for vacant residential development. However our clients, Hopper Developments Ltd and Cabra Development Ltd, saw potential in creating a unique retirement village development that would create diversity to the surrounding residential development areas as well as benefitting from the country setting of Huapai, while still being so close to the city amenities.
Cato Bolam worked with our clients and the wider project team providing civil engineering and surveying input to the project. Our surveyors and civil engineers worked collaboratively with the project team, from establishing initial ground models using UAV drone measurements through to developing 3d design models for earthworks, and civil infrastructure for resource consent and construction.
Cato Bolam is involved in the civil engineering supervision and Project Management of the multiple construction stages for the project. Our involvement in the construction has required coordination with multiple consultants and contractors to deliver excellent results.
We are proud to be involved with Hoppers and Cabra to deliver this unique retirement village development in Huapai.
Read more about this project at the Country Club website