Industrial & Commercial Development
Kumeu Town Centre
Master-Planned Town Centre
Cato Bolam is proud to be involved in this master-planned town centre development that will serve the Kumeu area for many years to come.
Project Location
Kumeu, Auckland
The Details
Kumeu is a thriving rural town 25 kilometres to the north-west of the Auckland CBD and 10 minutes from the Westgate Metropolitan Centre. It is in the middle of a major new development area, the building of several new housing estates already underway.
In order to serve this expanding area, structure planning for the existing town centre opened up a valuable opportunity for a major expansion of commercial and higher density residential opportunities on a large area of land to the rear of the Kumeu, next to the New World Supermarket and adjoining the Kumeu River.
The site is zoned to provide up to 20,000m2 of mixed-use town centre services such as convenience retail and offices plus up to 150 residential units.
We have been involved as the lead consultant since the commencement of structure planning for this area, through the consenting stages and overseeing the construction of a new roading pattern and development sites. The proposed extension to the Kumeu Town ultimate development will involve a mixed-use centre of retail, commercial and residential activities developed around a new main street, town square and a modified natural watercourse. This will provide a high-quality built outcome and a green / blue natural focus. The planned higher density commercial buildings (up to 5 stories) and two storey terraced housing will maximise efficient use of a town centre location, with a design also ensuring that advantage is taken of the amenity provided by the rural context. Views from public spaces and along proposed streets are terminated by unimpeded views of the river and the existing countryside.